Ever wonder why your 10-year-old jumped up and urinated over the entire family dinner? He's trying to protect you. Just because his dead grandfather commanded it, doesn't mean the boy's schizophrenic. What is schizophrenia anyway? Perhaps an open channel to another plane of reality? This is one of several challenging and surprising premises that underlie
Troll II, a film that has achieved a cult status, and been the subject of revived interest from a
documentary made by the actor playing the aforementioned urinator. While the CCCP-SCC Tribunal has not screened this documentary, they recently did find time to review its original subject, and discovered a wealth of socio-political sub-(and not so sub)texts that haven't appeared to receive the critical attention they deserve. As the Tribunal had already resolved to begin retroactively archiving its findings online, the necessary steps were taken to initiate this blog, which will attempt to create a comprehensive overview of the CCCP-SCC Tribunal screenings and minutes from the subsequent symposia. Please bookmark, and check back for further proceedings.